Monday, December 23, 2019

The Seven Sins Of Memory - 752 Words

The seven sins of memory are transience, absentmindedness, blocking, memory misattribution, suggestibility, bias, and persistence. These are all considered failures of memory. Daniel Schacter, who was the chair of Harvard University’s psychology department, taught these rules. The first being, Transience, transience is having an experience pass through our memory quickly. This is related to short term memory because it not last long nor stick with us. For example, having a short and meaningless conversation with acquaintance will usually not stay with us for a long time. The next sin is Absentmindedness. Absentmindedness is a lack of attention given, which causes the memory to fail. This can come from attempting to multi-task or having ADD or ADHD. These cause people to become distracted while something else is going on. Prospective memory is a major key in absentmindedness because you are thinking about the past or future and not focusing on the present. Blocking is another one of the seven sins which most people experience in their life and it is not as severe. Blocking is the inability to remember information when are trying to recall it. Most people refer to this as a â€Å"Tip of the Tongue Experience†. The tip of the tongue experience is an expression used when a memory cannot be remembered, but you are very close to doing so. For example, trying to remember something very little like a name of someone you met in the past. Blocking and Tip of the Tongue ExperienceShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Seven Sins Of Memory724 Words   |  3 PagesMemory is a very important and beneficial for us as we go through our lives but it can also let us down. There are seven memory sins according to Schacter’s Seven Sins of Memory which are: †¢ Transience †¢ Absent-mindedness †¢ Blocking †¢ Misattribution †¢ Suggestibility †¢ Bias So let us get started by talking about transience which is the decreasing accessibility of memory over time. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Burns Free Essays

The skin, an important organ that acts as a natural cover and holds our many underlying components together, important in multiple functions, yet it can be so easily marred. Burns, one of the reasons for skin damage, are the destruction of the different layers within the skin by exposure to excessive heat; heat that is greater than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or by friction, electricity or chemical substances. The heat from the exposure cannot be distributed fast enough in the rest of the body, resulting in a breakdown of tissues exposed to heat. We will write a custom essay sample on Burns or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike other tissue damages, burns can cover a wider range of surface area. The causes may come from a variety of events such as boiling liquid, exposure to harmful chemicals, or electrical shock. Signs that indicate a burn may be swelling, redness of the area of damage, and pain. Burns are categorized by degree based on the duration, size and severity of injury; the least severe being first degree burns, second degree burns and the worst, third degree burns. Not only are there the regular, common burns that would first come to mind, but there are also chemical burns and electrical burns. Chemical burns occur when the skin is exposed to a corrosive substance that consists of either a strong base or acid. Electrical burns are cause by contact with electric conducting objects that are live. Types of treatment are determined by the severity and also determine the place to which the person should receive the treatment. Regeneration of the damaged tissue will differ accordingly to the type of burn. First degree burn, it refers to the superficial damage to the skin and causes only local inflammation. The inflammation consists of pain, a small amount of swelling, dryness and redness. Peeling, of the area affected, may be seen. This type of burn will only have an effect on the epidermis. Examples of first degree burns include sunburns, flash burns or any other burn that derives from a brief exposure to severe heat. Treatment for this type of burn depends on the location, cause, extent of the burn and may include cold compresses, skin soothing ointments or pain relieving aspirin. The skin usually heals within a time span of a few days without permanent tissue damage. Second degree burns affect the epidermis and the superficial dermis layer of the skin. The burn is often characterized by moist blisters, skin lesions, and bits of shredded epidermis. Also, the injury is often displayed as white. The area of damage is prone to high risks of infection and victim experiences intense pain around the area. In a lot of cases, second degree burns are the consequences of exposure to flames, scald inducing events and contact with chemicals, electricity or hot objects. The treatments for second degree burns depend of the same characteristic of first degree burns. Second degree burns include the addition of extra care to prevent infections. The skin heals within about 3 weeks and 6 weeks if the wound is superficial or deep, as the skin re-epithelializes. At the end of healing, there is minimal scarring to no scarring at all although discoloration of the area may be present. A third degree burn, also referred to as a full thickness burn, destroys the epidermis, the entire dermis beneath it, injures the subcutaneous tissue, and may spread to the muscles. Accessory structures are destroyed. The area of the wound may appear white and leathery due to the damages done to the blood vessels and nerves. The affected skin may also appear black, yellow, or even brown and is painless due to the impairment of vessels and nerves. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and produces the appearance of being charred. Some of the causes of third degree burns may include scalding liquids, flames, chemical substances, over-exposure to excess heat or even electricity. If not taken into serious account with medical attention, the damaged skin will heal poorly and slowly. Since the epidermis and hair follicles are eliminated, new skin will not form. Treatments for these burns consist of procedures such as attentive care and cleaning, skin grafting, anti-biotic mediation and as such. The smaller areas will take fewer months to heal than the larger areas since those require grafting, which is the replacement of the previous damaged skin with transplant skin through surgery. ttp://www. webmd. com/skin-problems-and-treatments/third-degree-burn-full-thickness-burn http://www. medicinenet. com/burns/page2. htm http://faculty. stcc. edu/AandP/AP/AP1pages/Units1to4/skin/repairof. htm http://www. urmc. rochester. edu/encyclopedia/content. aspx? ContentTypeID=90ContentID=P01760 http://www. chw. org/display/PPF/DocID/21911/router. asp http://www. metrohealth. org/body. cfm? id=1014oTopID=1007 http://www. rayur. com/skin-burn-anatomy-definition-causes-symptoms- and-treatment. html How to cite Burns, Papers Burns Free Essays The skin, an important organ that acts as a natural cover and holds our many underlying components together, important in multiple functions, yet it can be so easily marred. Burns, one of the reasons for skin damage, are the destruction of the different layers within the skin by exposure to excessive heat; heat that is greater than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or by friction, electricity or chemical substances. The heat from the exposure cannot be distributed fast enough in the rest of the body, resulting in a breakdown of tissues exposed to heat. We will write a custom essay sample on Burns or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike other tissue damages, burns can cover a wider range of surface area. The causes may come from a variety of events such as boiling liquid, exposure to harmful chemicals, or electrical shock. Signs that indicate a burn may be swelling, redness of the area of damage, and pain. Burns are categorized by degree based on the duration, size and severity of injury; the least severe being first degree burns, second degree burns and the worst, third degree burns. Not only are there the regular, common burns that would first come to mind, but there are also chemical burns and electrical burns. Chemical burns occur when the skin is exposed to a corrosive substance that consists of either a strong base or acid. Electrical burns are cause by contact with electric conducting objects that are live. Types of treatment are determined by the severity and also determine the place to which the person should receive the treatment. Regeneration of the damaged tissue will differ accordingly to the type of burn. First degree burn, it refers to the superficial damage to the skin and causes only local inflammation. The inflammation consists of pain, a small amount of swelling, dryness and redness. Peeling, of the area affected, may be seen. This type of burn will only have an effect on the epidermis. Examples of first degree burns include sunburns, flash burns or any other burn that derives from a brief exposure to severe heat. Treatment for this type of burn depends on the location, cause, extent of the burn and may include cold compresses, skin soothing ointments or pain relieving aspirin. The skin usually heals within a time span of a few days without permanent tissue damage. Second degree burns affect the epidermis and the superficial dermis layer of the skin. The burn is often characterized by moist blisters, skin lesions, and bits of shredded epidermis. Also, the injury is often displayed as white. The area of damage is prone to high risks of infection and victim experiences intense pain around the area. In a lot of cases, second degree burns are the consequences of exposure to flames, scald inducing events and contact with chemicals, electricity or hot objects. The treatments for second degree burns depend of the same characteristic of first degree burns. Second degree burns include the addition of extra care to prevent infections. The skin heals within about 3 weeks and 6 weeks if the wound is superficial or deep, as the skin re-epithelializes. At the end of healing, there is minimal scarring to no scarring at all although discoloration of the area may be present. A third degree burn, also referred to as a full thickness burn, destroys the epidermis, the entire dermis beneath it, injures the subcutaneous tissue, and may spread to the muscles. Accessory structures are destroyed. The area of the wound may appear white and leathery due to the damages done to the blood vessels and nerves. The affected skin may also appear black, yellow, or even brown and is painless due to the impairment of vessels and nerves. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and produces the appearance of being charred. Some of the causes of third degree burns may include scalding liquids, flames, chemical substances, over-exposure to excess heat or even electricity. If not taken into serious account with medical attention, the damaged skin will heal poorly and slowly. Since the epidermis and hair follicles are eliminated, new skin will not form. Treatments for these burns consist of procedures such as attentive care and cleaning, skin grafting, anti-biotic mediation and as such. The smaller areas will take fewer months to heal than the larger areas since those require grafting, which is the replacement of the previous damaged skin with transplant skin through surgery. ttp://www. webmd. com/skin-problems-and-treatments/third-degree-burn-full-thickness-burn http://www. medicinenet. com/burns/page2. htm http://faculty. stcc. edu/AandP/AP/AP1pages/Units1to4/skin/repairof. htm http://www. urmc. rochester. edu/encyclopedia/content. aspx? ContentTypeID=90ContentID=P01760 http://www. chw. org/display/PPF/DocID/21911/router. asp http://www. metrohealth. org/body. cfm? id=1014oTopID=1007 http://www. rayur. com/skin-burn-anatomy-definition-causes-symptoms- and-treatment. html How to cite Burns, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tori Sims Steve Bartman free essay sample

While the crowd was reaching for the ball one of the baseball players were also, unfortunately the ball did not land in the baseball players hands. Steve Barton caught the ball not realizing that he had now gotten himself in a situation that would now become history. Shortly after Barman had caught the ball form the player the crowd began to become more frustrated with him and started chanting terrible things. Barman sat quietly in his seat with his headphone on his ear.The crowd became furious because of his actions of not responding witched caused them to think that he did not care about what he had done, this is called fundamental attribution error. As the game continued Barman sat uncomfortable because of what had happened. He then turned to his friend and asked her if what he had did was wrong. She simply explained to him that what he had done was not wrong because everyone else was doing the same thing which was aiming for the ball. We will write a custom essay sample on Tori Sims Steve Bartman or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She tried to comfort him so that he would not feel as bad as he did for what he had done. Steve Barman feeling discomfort from his action is called cognitive dissonance. When the game still began to continue more and more fans began to react off of the Steve Barman incident. The chanting began outside of the game and quickly spread throughout the entire stadium. This action from the crowd is called conformity. History was made this particular night and it was a game that everyone will forever remember.