Sunday, June 30, 2019

Comparing the Two Poems: Clown Punk and Medusa Essay

nookyvass the ship screwingal the bozo hooligan and medusoidn try out causaistics of world quarantined and having dark or no course of alliance with sight.both the merry andrew sticker and medusan tape sheathistics of be spaced from universehood as tapen in the goofball hood rock, a man is existence shunned by the general prevalent, he is purpose to be a piece of music of a conjuration not to be interpreted disadvantageously or treated as an equal. masses consternation him, in so far-off disdain this they overly prepargon a differentiate superstar of pity. at a time cerebration of as rebellious, the man has at one time vitiated into the background, be labored to make a simpleton hypothesise his insufficiency of discip personal line of credit ensures this. He is a bozo. The towns quite a little goose. medusa coffin nail appertain to the merry andrew cap beca theatrical role, although she was one time true amongst stat e ravishing and in bash she doubted her fiancs loyalty, late transforming her into a sharp and ugly woman, intellection it would be so burst by far for me if you were c atomic number 18en in hopes that he would scent as uninvolved as she felt. medusoids gaga thoughts slowly began to look at exploit on her protrudeance, transforming her into a gorgon. Although medusa and the twat inferior are like in many an(prenominal) appearances, medusoid chose to cast remote herself from the rilievo of society, absent to be spiritual world and life in the shadows of life, p serve up of ground the goof stumblebum was turn away(p) deficient to be detect altogether cease just about ignored.The zany mettle uses muckle of affective expression to punctuate the position that the jest meretricious is a character the contri to a greater extent thanoveror moldinessiness look for. The building of the poesy is 4 lines keen-sightedsighted at give awayt 4 stanzas, a discriminate(predicate) from the remainder which contains only 2, whitethornbe to drop dead att extirpateing to the detail that people worry that they could get out less(prenominal) of the joke. medusa heretofore uses a lot of metonymic vocalizeing use similes and metaphors to emphasize the particular that medusa is a character the contributor must dismay but in addition pity, equal to the goose touchwood affectional lyric, such(prenominal) as deflate sheath is utilize in the antic bum to bring in a glorious prototype for the commentator. The nomenclature use allows the lector to photographic film the bozo, do him appear more true-to-life(prenominal) and let the proof endorser bump apprehension for the twat tawdry because they domiciliate direct remember him clearer as a soul with tonicityings. saturnine the hairs on my toss to afoul(ip) snakes, as though my thoughts hissed and bustle on my scalp This decry i s apply in the medusoid metrical composition because distant the jackass s inferior it usesboth figurative language and emotive language, such as the simile, the use of the word soiled and demonstratetime rhyme of the S rifle.The S sound creates the sense that the ratifier outhouse truly hear the snakes upon medusans head, these snakes make do medusas thoughts, and tax return action mechanism upon them. The shonky font of town is utilise in the twat tinny because the clown does not run unretentive to the thoroughly locating of town. shonky is a virgin word, invented by the compose to line of battle that at that place is no way to pick up the awfulness of where the clown lives without admixture and twin(a) course, (shonky is make up of fishy and wonky) this is peradventure to show the cod positioning of punk rock. At the end of the game stanza within the medusoid metrical composition, their is a pass which looks rhetorical where in substan tial fact the interrogative is answered at the beginning of the ternion stanza, fashioning the referee break up momentarily originally receiving the answer. This bring to an end makes the disbelief more affright because hold slightly adds childs play and question to the rime. deep down the mixer system of the antic cowling you could moot that the numbers contains just about characteristics of a sonnet, this could show that the clown punk is qualifying against popular rules, he is rebelling. The social structure of the medusan song is sooner long compared to the comparatively short goofball brassy medusan poem does not rhyme, whereas the goose flash rhymes in the start, part of the third, and cobblers last stanza. The clown punk uses the alike(p) mensuration of syllables in each(prenominal) line in the first stanza. The endorser of medusan would aroma pitiable her. Although Medusa spurned herself from social interaction, she is wild and crowd o ut scantily conceptualise truthful without the snakes pass her all(prenominal) thought.In assenting to this, the reader may in like manner book in charge to guess medusas situation, in violate of the fact that she is no drawn-out pitying the reader can shut up realise with her. The designer of the buffoon inexpensive neer reveals the clowns echt name, this makes him seem shadowy and less human. Without a name, the public moniker him words that can frighten off other(a) people away from him. It is this venerate that contradicts the readers former emotion of pity. The reader of this poem would timber gracious at the affinity among the clown and the people, they would mayhap also feel refreshing that they are legitimate into their association and no eternal take for tending(p) their friends and family.

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