Sunday, July 28, 2019

Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Book Review - Essay Example Even in today's market, every term of economy is more or less associated with the value of gold. Lewis also discusses the role of governments and banks in controlling the market with the help of gold price. The way Lewis says everything in Gold is fascinating and his use of language is quite comprehensible to a layman. The writer is quite well known in the world of major economic journals and here in this book, too, he leaves a mark of his writing dexterity and crystal clear understanding of the subject. "Good Money is Stable Money" is the title of the first chapter of this book. Gold begins with very interesting lines where Nathan Lewis explains why human beings are actually the weakest creatures on the earth. Creating tools, discovering techniques and establishing organizations are all that the human beings can do. Human beings do not have efficiency like the animals to hunt for food, but they are very good at calculations. Calculating the effort and productivity, they have gone to the top of the world and ruling over all the other species alive on earth. Then Lewis turns to the subject of capital investment, which is one of the main sources that have been used for the development of individual economy and productivity. Taking risk is undoubtedly a part of this investment and this cannot be avoided by any means. Lewis compares the risk factor with the endangerment that is involved in the act of hunting. The risk factor present a constant threat and the human beings have always fou ght with that. The author explains how the human beings have always searched for a method to develop their productivity. This characteristic, according to him, is quite natural for the most rational creature on this planet. He draws the reference of Charles Darwin in order to prove his theory. Hardship is an integral part of any financial establishment in a human being's life. To draw a comparison Nathan Lewis beautifully draws the picture of a pregnant mother who suffers from pain during feeding herself. Then he also draws the reference of a family structure to show how the whole system operates. Food and shelter of the family are the elements that are ensured by the husband, while, on the other hand, the wife nurtures the new-born baby and takes preparations for the upcoming future days. Through a series of examples Lewis wants to establish an idea in the readers' mind that some of the very basic steps are required for human beings' existence, whether be at the level of families o r in business. These steps include building knowledge (which, in case of business, can be taken as capital investment), specializing in some subject, productive efforts (or in commercial terms, 'equity investment'), and maintaining promises as well as other bonds. The relationship between children and their parents is also drawn into observation regarding this topic. Lewis says that in business, too, the children or the establishment should look after their parents or founders at some point of time. (Page: 5-6) Explaining the market economy, Lewis contradicts the theory of competition in the market. According to him, the system involves more of a cooperation rather than competition among the companies. This cooperation has expanded with the spread of the market horizon and dependability on people of different strata. As

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