Friday, August 23, 2019

Understand the attributes and skills of a leader Essay

Understand the attributes and skills of a leader - Essay Example They follow it up by the creation of a plan, monitoring and control of activities and then reporting and reviewing the entire process (Braun, et al., 2014). The managers for the group are responsible for the establishment of communication standards, group approach, anticipation and resolution of group conflicts, monitoring and maintaining ethics, discipline and integrity. Moreover, they are responsible for the development of group capability, maturity, team-spirit, morale, cooperation and team working, and they monitor all the process going on in the group (Adair, 2015). For the guidance of the team and the organization, the setup of effective objectives is very crucial for a leader. If the objectives are formulated badly, they can lead the entire organization in the direction that is wrong. In order to setup the SMART objectives, here is what needs to be done (Bill, 2004). Before starting on the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) objectives, the first thing that needs to be done is the distinguishing between the aims and objectives, and targets and goals. Objectives are supposed to be the battle-plans while the goals and aims are supposed to be aspiration-related. The best way to use the SMART technique is actually using it as MARST instead (Wolf & Akkaraju, 2014). Measure the objectives that you can achieve, by counting the evidences. Then, link the measurable with the achievable, because there is no point spending time on objectives that cannot be achieved. Follow the achievable with the realistic, because if the objectives are not realistic, they will not be achievable. After that worry about the specifications of the objectives, and then set timely deadlines for achieving the objectives in that specific timeframe (Reber, 2014). I worked on a team that had concerns that few team members were putting in limited efforts and imparting a negative impact on the rest

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