Sunday, September 29, 2019

A ShortStory Based On: Conrades an Eposode

I knew that it was coming, the day I had been dreading. Everyone was saying that it was great, time we taught those Germans a lesson and that we had a duty to do for our country. But I was different. I knew what it was going to be like but whenever I tried to speak out no one listened and said that I was a coward. May be it was true I didn't want to die. I packed up my stuff it had been eight days since I had received the letter informing me that I had to go to war. I had no choice. I had to go. I thought I would be better off just killing my self right now. I had no hope in war. Just look at me 5 feet 2†³ and weighing just 8 stones. What good will I be in the Great War? I said an emotional farewell to my family my mum especially I had always been closest to her. My Dad had always thought of me as a â€Å"no hoper†. He was big and strong nothing like me all he said was â€Å"good luck† with a firm handshake. I could tell he didn't think I was going to last very long what possibly could someone like me do on the battlefield. I was taken to Chesterfield rail station along with another 150 young recruits. We were then to be taken to Winchester army base .I was sitting in the first carriage seat 6a. I was nervous and tired but slightly excited .I was the fist in my seat. It was alphabetically but with a name like Alfred Ambrose I had no choice. I could hear people giggling and looking and pointing. I could imagine what they were saying † I have seen an ear wig bigger than that†. I sat down and took out a book. We were told that it was going to be a six-hour journey. I was disturbed by a deep voice â€Å"Hi nice to meet you I'm Tim Bright†. Tim was a big man, he made me look like a dwarf but my first impression was that he was a gentle giant. He sat down and took out a comic he was 23 and still reading comics but he explained that he had never been taught to read I felt sorry for him. But I was sure that no one was going to mess with him. I read up to chapter six but I was tired, I had not had too much sleep the night before, I couldn't get to sleep because I was nervous and sad to leave my family. I shut my eyes and tilted my head. I was woken by the sound of the steam engine stopping. I heard a whistle and the doors flung open. The 22 men from my carriage departed and formed an orderly queue. When all 150 men ranging from 17 – 23 had left the train a little man with a moustache came round the corner with a green uniform on with socks tucked into shorts and a black cane under his arm. He didn't look scary but looked as if he could get angry very easily. He introduced him self as Corporal Blake † Right lads, you are to be based here for 4 days, during this time you will go through basic training and get to know your fellow comrades. Then you will be shipped of to France and split into pontoons you will be driven to Shrewsbury dock and transported across the English Channel to Normandy.† We were then taken to our dormitories, they were small and were full of old bunk beds made out of thin metal. There was a musty smell in the room but this didn't make much difference I was only here for 4 days. Training was due to start tomorrow. I sat on the bed and thought about what was to come. I was sharing with the same people from my carriage so at least I had seen all the faces before. I was on the bottom bunk and Tim was on the top he came down and we played a nice friendly game of black jack with a few of the other guys. It was getting dark and I was feeling tired I lied down on the bed but it wasn't very comfortable but It would do. † Ding a ling, ding a ling† I was woken at 7o'clock by the sound of a large bell fitted in all dormitories. It was earlier than I was used to but I had had a long sleep so I was feeling refreshed. This gave us time to have a shower and eat breakfast, which wasn't particularly nice, warm lumpy porridge had never been my favourite. This was our last day before we set off for Normandy. Today we were due to received our kit. It took all day for everyone to get kited out, I was near the beginning due to my name but this did give me time to think and write my parents a letter. It was six thirty by the time every one was ready. Then we were called to the briefing room (a really big long room with a desk). We were given our orders and instructed to be ready by four thirty for a five o'clock sharp leave. Once again the bell was to be sounded there was to be 35 trucks full of men and 12 full of equipment. † Ding a ling, ding a ling† up we got and out side we went, lining up next to our assigned truck. We climbed in, when given the order as warned we left at 5 0'clock.A convoy of 47 trucks. In my truck there were the men from my dorm but my only real friend was Tim I sat next to him and we just talked of home. The journey was only going to be 2 hours so it wasn't that bad but it was really uncomfortable. We arrived at Shrewsbury dock at 4 minutes past seven. Our so-called â€Å"ferry† was to leave at seven thirty. It was more of a raft than a proper boat made out of iron with a small sheltered area with a little engine only capable of a top speed of 8 knots. We were told that we couldn't travel in anything to big, as it was too DANGEROUS because we ran the risk of being bombed. I thought it would still be pretty easy to see 32 boats crossing the English channel but that was the reason we had to go at a time of low light ready to be there at noon so we could fight straight away. The crossing was rough but not quite as bad as I had expected. We arrived at a small naval port in west Normandy there were only a few other men waiting our arrival but they did let of a small cheer to make us feel welcome which was enough for me. We unloaded and received our equipment it was so heavy I could hardly stand up. But the worst of it was still to come we had to march 6 miles with our equipment to get used to the weight and the amount of walking that was to come in the future. We set off in good sprits but after almost 2 hours we still had not arrived at our string hold on the front. But we had seen and heard our first exchange of bullets and shells this just reminder us of the reality and the reason that we are here. It was scary but I was ready to fight, I might not be much good but I had come this far there was no point backing out now. We marched through a small French town deserted but under close watch from our allies. The trenches were just 200 yards but we had to walk another half mile along them before we got to the fighting. We were to be stationed along the trenches as backup and reserve's for the troops already there. As I had expected Tim had been put in charge of our pontoon it was only twelve strong. He had been chosen because of his outstanding performance in the training. The noise was amazing there were non-stop firing and exploding. I just wondered how you were supposed to sleep. I was told that you didn't even try to sleep just for the fear of a grenade or shell landing near by. I wasn't concentrating when I heard a bellow â€Å"section 2† it was Tim our pontoon were needed on the front line for the first time and it was only our fourth day here. â€Å"Right lads, we are needed the others have been drooping like flies lets do it for our selves and our country.† † One last thing good luck†. It wasn't the best speech but Tim wasn't that good with words. We moved forward as a team, for the first time I loaded my rifle and looked out over the trench wall for to see a mess of mud and barbed wire, craters and even dead bodies. I had got through 56 rounds off ammo in 3 days we had only lost 2 lives which was a good ratio compared to things before. â€Å"Lets go lads we are going over the top† This is what I had been dreading, there were 4 other sections going with us to try and make 12 yards to the next set of trenches where we were needed as back up. This was the most dangerous part of the job so far as we were venerable to German fire as well as our own sides as they try to protect. â€Å"1,2,3,4,5†¦10 OK lets go† I was running with my head down when my first nightmare came true. Tim had been hit only in the leg but it looked bad he was like a sitting duck, there was no way he could survive. I luckily made it to the other side, we had suffered 6 deaths and 4 injuries. I looked back to see Tim still alive in pain I couldn't leave him I had to try and save him. I knew I was mad and stupid but he was my best mate I had to. I climbed over the back of the trench with a determined look in my eye, I ran as quickly as I could and reached him in good health, he looked bad, pale and weak, blood pouring out of his wound. I grabbed him by the arms and pulled with my little strength luckily it was enough. I was only a meter away when I felt an unbearable pain in my lower back, I collapsed and couldn't move. I knew it was bad but even worse I had failed Tim what kind of a friend was I. Fortunately we were close to the trench and we had a chance, as expected two men crawled out and dragged us back to the safety of our own trench. The medic was called for and looked at Tim first because he was more important than I was. The verdict was good he and his leg could be saved. It was bandaged and he was taken away. I was not quite so lucky I thought I had no change of walking again and would be lucky to still be a live in 12 hours I was taken to the nearest hospital along with Tim. It didn't hurt that much mainly because I had no feeling up to my navel. 12 WEEKS LATER I had been lucky the doctors had managed to save me but I was paralysed from the lower back down. I was in a wheel chair and in the same ward as Tim. He was staggering about and was on course for a full recovery. Tim and my self were due to go home in three hours there was no use for us anymore. We were both injured and could do nothing to help our country. All I was happy about was that I had managed to save my friend he said he owed every thing to me and promised to look after me for as long as he could. I was sedated for the crossing to stop pain and discomfort I thought back 16 weeks ago when I was on my way to France not on the way back in a wheel chair. We arrived earlier than expected and my parents were not there yet it wasn't long until they arrived and were shocked when they saw me. Tim went over and explained what had happened and how I was a hero in his and everyone else's eyes. My Dad came over and said, † I'm proud of you my son† This was the first time he had ever said anything like that to me. I went home to a hero's welcome, totally unexpected every one in the town lined the streets to cheer me home. They thought of me as someone special who gave his ability to walk to save another persons life. That's not the end of it I was even given a bravery award presented to me by Her Majesty the Queen. But if anyone asks I would do the same again to save my best and only friend Tim.

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