Monday, November 11, 2019

Academic Honesty-It Was Peer Reviewed and Published

The Issue In this was that most students thought It would be easier to heat In their online courses however very few followed through with cheating. It's also a theory that an honor code may reduce dishonesty. The second article I found while searching was Academic Integrity and Distance Learning by Mark Lankier. It was peer reviewed and published in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education in October of 2006. In this article academic dishonesty in on campus classes versus online classes was discussed.It believes that there hasn't been enough attention on the amount of academic dishonesty taking place in online courses. Here are some things that I feel are issues for academic honesty: -Lack of knowledge in what Is considered honest and dishonest. -Lack of concentration on academic honesty, the majority of the attention Is placed on academic dishonesty. -Lack of punishment for academic dishonesty therefore making It easier and more tempting to be dishonest. -Over assumption that It's easier to be dishonest through online classes without any consequences.Some things that I think should be done is honor code placement such as was issued in the first article I found. I think that if there was a concrete definition of what is considered cheating and what isn't because some people can cheat without knowing so because of their lack of knowledge. I think that academic honesty deserves more attention simply to acknowledge students who are working hard and being compliant and honest about their work. They are taking the time to make sure their work is original and that they are not taking any credit for someone else's hard ark.I think this deserves to be acknowledged Instead of overshadowed by people who are dishonest. I believe there should be punishment when it comes to severe cases of dishonesty. When It Is clear that the work has been popularized and taken as If It were their own, there should be no chances given. Academic dishonesty has continual to De a problem An a students need to Know Tanat It wall not De tolerated I think that the punishment for on campus students should be the same for online students.The place in which the dishonesty is taking place does not matter, dishonesty is dishonesty and all cases should be treated the same. In order for me to avoid any issues with dishonesty I will never cut and paste. If something is an exact quote I will make sure that it is cited and listed in a bibliography to ensure that it's known it was not something derived by me. I will summarize and make sure I use my own words to explain my point. I will also use the plagiarism checker provided by the university to double check.

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