Thursday, January 9, 2020

Child Development Case Study - 1973 Words

From the video observation, the two three-year old children, Thomas and Riley set off on a bus journey along with their childminder; it is observed that both the children speak about their journey, in which they are able to identify various features, which include the passengers; various buildings and different types of buses. Both children observe many of the features by taking photographs to highlight what they have observed on their journey. From observation, the video looks at the way the childminder plans the experience from a child-initiated stance, which directs the children’s learning in addition with assisting them with role-play and symbolic play, which is shown towards the end of the video. Thus, this essay will focus on the†¦show more content†¦Additionally, Bruner (1986) suggests that children develop differently at equivalent stages however, agreeing with Piaget’s cognitive perspective; egocentrism may constituent towards child development, depend ing on the individual child’s cognitive process. Furthermore, Bruner indicates that both nurture and nature is a crucial part of development, which is promoted and enhanced through socialization, provided that â€Å"the child’s growing knowledge of the world is achieved principally by direct encounters with it in interacting and negotiating with others† (Bruner, 1986, p.61). From observing the interaction between the childminder and the children, the child minder supports both the boys learning, which enables the children to use their language; numbers and pictorial representations; which is seen evidently through the video, in view of the boys identifying the bus stop signs; the supermarket and the timetable of the different buses. To illustrate from observation, the children observe the numbers on the buses, which is initiated by the childminder as she emphasizes theShow MoreRelatedChild Development Case Study1946 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction The Campbell Child and Family Center (CCFC)is a high-quality early childhood education program in Durango, Colorado. The CCFC uses the Creative Curriculum for Early Childhood, which incorporates Jean Piaget’s work on cognitive development to establish developmentally appropriate learning programs for preschool children. 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